Selecting the Right Bird for You
After deciding that you want to have a bird as a pet, you have to decide which bird you want and there are many to choose from. Before deciding, the best thing to do is visit a pet store or a breeder to see how all the birds act and behave.
You have to think about which bird is right for you, are you thinking of budgies or cockatoos or even falcons?. Research pet websites to find out which birds can be kept as a pet and once you have considered it there are questions to ask that will lead to you making the right selection.
You have to be sure about what birds are legal to keep as pets and what are illegal because it is possible to break the law by choosing the wrong breed without even realising.
Once you have understood what is legal you have to consider the lifespan of your pet bird because they are a serious commitment because for example, some parrots live longer than humans. If you do choose to purchase a pet that can outlive a human then you have to think about arrangements after you pass away. Birds such as parrots can become attached to humans which means that any changes can be stressful for them, whereas doves have shorter life-spans and are less likely to have to deal with this.
As with any pet there is always a cost. The cost of food, vets bills and accessories can all add up to a hefty amount each month. Obviously the cost will differ with each bird but there will always be a cost involved and if you worry about the cost then you should consider having a bird that falls comfortably within your budget.
With birds comes the potential for noise. You have to take this into consideration and if you live in an apartment then find out if there are any noise restrictions. Birds can be quite noisy at times and finding out just how loud they are can help you narrow down your options.
Some birds require a lot of time spent with them, such as parrots, so think about how much time you have available. Many birds need increased levels of interaction whilst some will be quite happy in a group with the right food, water and bedding.
To look at this another way, how much interaction do you want?. Are you just hoping to watch them or listen to them, If so then this can determine the kind of bird for you, such as a canary. If you want to race and home your birds then pigeons or doves are ideal. Of course, there are parrots that can learn to talk so there are different levels of interactions from both yourself and your pet bird.
Finally, it is time to think about health implications that come with owning a bird. Some birds can cause problems for those people who have asthma or lung disease because their feathers break down into a fine dust. Some larger birds can cause harm with their beaks and some can even break small bones. If there are people in your home who have problems with clotting or other problems associated with small cuts then it could become a risk. If you have small children then opting for a small bird could be a good place to start.
Birds make amazing pets but you have to take their welfare into consideration as well as the implications it will have on you as an individual or as a family because once you bring them into your home they become a family member.
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Medicines4Pets [] are an online retailer of prescription pet medicines, pet supplies and accessories.